CSB Communication Skills for Business

Jonathan Gordon
$99.99 / year with a 7-day free trial
Effective communication is the key to success in today’s dynamic and highly competitive business landscape. The Critical Career Skills (CCS) Professional Communication Certification Course is designed to empower individuals with the essential skills and knowledge they need to excel professionally. In this course, led by educator Jonathan Gordon, we will explore the significance of non-verbal cues, negotiation strategies, and adapting to diverse audiences to empower students to present the best version of themselves in the business world. By participating in the CCS Professional Communication course, students will be able to confidently interact with colleagues and be prepared to pass the Critical Career Skills (CCS) Professional Communication Exam Documentation by Certiport.
Besides teaching English, Journalism and Social Studies over the past 29 years, Jonathan has taught Digital Media Technology and Computer Applications for both secondary and post-secondary students. Though specializing in the Adobe Suite, he has taught Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and Web Design. Jonathan has been the recipient of the Sun-Sentinel Journalism Teacher of the Year as well as the Florida Scholastic Press Association District 7 Teacher of the Year. Jonathan is also an author and technical editor for several Adobe InDesign publications.
Professional Communication Certification Exam
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