AutoDesk AutoCAD Certification Course

Greg King
$99.99 / year with a 7-day free trial
Join instructor Greg King in our awesome Autodesk Inventor Course. Unlock the power of 3D modeling and design in this beginner-friendly course that is designed to get you prepared for the Autodesk Inventor Certified User Exam! Follow along with our step-by-step video tutorials and purposely created project files to learn the fundamental concepts of Inventor including creating sketches, models, assemblies, and technical drawings. No experience required, just your creativity!
Software version: Autodesk Inventor 2025
Greg King is a Computer Assisted Design Instructor at a vocational high school teaching architectural design, mechanical design, and computer animation. Prior to leaping into education, Greg was a Senior Mechanical Designer/Project Manager for HVAC projects in both the design build and plan-spec marketplace working on projects ranging from small residential to large scale commercial and industrial applications. Greg also holds several accreditations such as LEED AP O+M, and WELL AP, that he leverages both in design as well as teaching students about responsible building and product design.
Autodesk Inventor Certified User Exam
Learn more about the certificationEnglish